Sunday, October 24, 2010


Authenticity means that something is genuine, or real. With teaching, authenticity can be applied to a number of things. It is easy to tell if someone is not being genuine, not being themself. A teacher is more than just someone giving you an education, they're also a role model. It is very obvious when someone is being fake, and that makes it hard to trust that person. While there are boundaries to how much personal information teachers should share with their students, I feel that it is important to share appropriate things. It makes the teacher more of a human being than an intimidating authority figure. Personally, I would be more likely to go to a teacher for extra help if I felt comfortable around them. If students are intmidated by their teacher, they will be more likely to accept a bad grade rather than going to talk to the teacher about why they did poorly. I think it is important for teachers to be authentic in order to give the best education to the students.

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